TNW Conference 2025 theme spotlight: Sustainable Societies

Trending 4 months ago

A warming world will — and is already having — a profound effect connected nan things we each dangle on: shelter, food, water, energy, medicine. Most nations person committed to drastic cuts successful greenhouse state emissions to dial backmost nan planet’s thermostat. 

But existent sustainability is not conscionable astir emissions. We will request to toggle shape nan measurement each industries run — from agriculture to carrier and wellness — to meet nan SDGs.

The awesome greenish modulation necessitates innovation. It calls for new, cleanable technologies and nan scaling of proven ones. It requires manufacture leaders, disruptive innovators, and eager startups to create nan blueprints for a sustainable world.

“Sustainable societies require systems, infrastructures, and propositions that facilitate and stimulate group to return amended attraction of themselves and their surroundings, arsenic backstage individuals and arsenic professionals,” says Andy Lürling, founding partner astatine LUMOLabs.

The sprouts of alteration are already visible. Climate action is accelerating faster now than ever before. But we request to support going. This is why we’ve made Sustainable Societies 1 of the six refreshed themes of TNW Conference 2025, taking spot connected June 19 and 20 successful Amsterdam.


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The taxable is for ambiance warriors. It’s for startups, investors, innovators starring nan complaint successful nan climate, energy, health, and agrifood industries. It’s besides for anyone — from large execs to young innovators — who want to deepen their knowing of nan myriad ways exertion tin thrust nan sustainability shift.  

“I foresee that nan existent worth of emerging and disruptive technologies specified arsenic AI, blockchain, and AR/VR, lies successful their convergence,” says Lürling, who’s an advisory committee personnel for nan TNW Conference. “Together they clasp nan cardinal to structurally disrupting wide degenerative habits and systems.”

We understand that sustainability requires a holistic approach, crossed industries. That’s why we’ve divided nan Sustainable Societies taxable into 4 pillars. 

  • Turning nan Tide: The innovations tackling nan h2o crisis
  • Farm to Table: An insider’s look astatine nan early of food
  • Hacking nan Human: Building a sustainable healthcare system, from engineered proteins to cell-based therapies
  • Waste Not, Watt Not: Turning biology issues into opportunities

If you want to perceive each astir these ideas, you tin drawback a summons for TNW Conference now. Use nan codification TNWXMEDIA2025 to get 30% disconnected your pass.

See you connected June 19 and 20 successful Amsterdam!

Source Tech Innovation
Tech Innovation