SetMe makes remote support intuitive for everyone on Windows and MacOS

Trending 2 months ago

From a business perspective, IT professionals and support teams request to beryllium capable to easily, yet securely link to worker computers remotely. Whether to supply ad-hoc aliases unattended distant support, hole thing that’s gone wrong, aliases conscionable analyse a situation aliases complication. That’s particularly existent of today’s digitally-centric hybrid and distant workforce. But location is simply a terrible deficiency of devices that do this properly. Sure, nan mean support instrumentality mightiness let IT pros to distant in, but it’s neither convenient nor intuitive for immoderate of nan parties involved. SetMe’s conception is nan antithesis of that experience.

Built by a squad pinch decades of mixed expertise successful nan field, SetMe’s instauration rests atop nan teams anterior FixMe.IT desktop support app. While that app has been astir for complete 17 years, nan full distant desktop package marketplace has been successful thing of a hibernation for conscionable arsenic long. Most established products were built utilizing outdated technologies, they don’t genuinely facet successful easiness of use, and while we’re being honest, they’re often downright clunky and require tons of workarounds to get moving pinch immoderate decent reliability. That is perfectly not nan lawsuit pinch SetMe. It useful retired of nan container — much connected that beneath — and since it was designed utilizing nan latest and modern tech, it delivers faster, better, and much reliable capacity compared to accepted distant desktop applications.

Modern convenience and reliability successful a distant desktop application: It’s astir time

SetMe Expert console unsocial link ID for client-expert sideSetMe

As mentioned, SetMe useful retired of nan box. There’s nary request for anyone to instal further plugins, components, aliases third-party software, including connected nan client-user side. It each originates by installing SetMe Expert console, connecting to a distant machine — which takes a mates of clicks, by nan measurement — and past managing nan strategy arsenic if you were physically there. It runs connected some Windows and MacOS, meaning there’s a precocious grade of compatibility, moreover crossed operating systems. For example, you tin remotely link to a Windows PC from a Mac and vice versa. More impressively, you tin transportation files betwixt those 2 systems, utilizing a elemental drag-and-drop interface, pinch eventual ease.

In addition, nan SetMe exertion and work are perpetually being improved done personification feedback, ensuring customers ever get nan champion imaginable experience. As of now, it’s incredibly easy to usage connected some sides of nan equation — some from an master (support technician) position and a customer (remote user) perspective.

To supply a amended understanding: Assuming nan master already has nan SetMe app installed, each a customer has to do is download a lightweight customer app from SetMe, and past supply nan master pinch a six-digit, randomly generated ID, from nan instrumentality nan master wants to remotely link to. When that’s done, nan master tin remotely connect, without restrictions. There’s nary request for admin authorities to beryllium provided to nan customer app either. Everything remains safe and secure.

Try SetMe for Free

Pushing nan boundaries of distant IT support

SetMe Expert console exertion moving connected MacOSSetMe

Of course, it doesn’t each extremity there. A bevy of further cardinal features makes nan acquisition moreover much intuitive for some parties. Through SetMe, IT teams tin support reliable unattended entree to an unlimited number of computers, pinch easy guidance of those computers, including nan expertise to reboot, sleep, aliases remotely unopen them down. You tin besides automatically reconnect, and return advantage of nan action to remotely negociate and entree aggregate machines astatine once. That makes it an incredibly valuable instrumentality for business IT teams, whether they’re moving pinch large aliases mini teams, nan result is nan same.

Moreover, nan peer-to-peer connectivity of nan app and work remains protected down end-to-end encryption. In turn, that intends nan information from each distant sessions is encrypted and afloat secure, truthful nary 1 tin entree related contented extracurricular of nan authorized parties — nan master and nan client.

Some further callouts include:

  • Cross-platform Windows and Mac entree is afloat supported.
  • Multi-session handling allows for nan guidance of an unlimited number of distant computers simultaneously.
  • Secure unattended entree to each connected machines.
  • If basal admin mode tin beryllium enabled to motion successful aliases out, negociate Windows UAC, and instal apps.
  • You’re afloat capable to reboot, shutdown, and reconnect to distant machines.
  • Remote systems tin beryllium auto-locked connected nan convention end.
  • Remote record transportation and clipboard synchronization betwixt systems.
  • Multi-window controls let for app and model swaps betwixt each connected computers astatine nan aforesaid time.
  • Protect information by showing a blank distant screen.
  • Temporarily fastener nan strategy keyboard aliases inputs remotely.

Find retired what SetMe tin do for you and your team

SetMe Expert console remotely managed strategy database pinch afloat accessSetMe

Want to springiness it a trial run? No problem. SetMe allows for demo opportunities, and each you person to do is supply immoderate interaction accusation for your business aliases IT team, and you’re in. Shortly after, a personnel of nan SetMe squad will interaction you to schedule a unrecorded demo and, hopefully, nan remainder is history. We deliberation you’ll work together this feature-rich distant entree instrumentality could beryllium of unthinkable worth for immoderate business, and it’s astir clip nan section saw immoderate much innovation.

Try SetMe for Free

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