How to print from PDF

Trending 4 months ago
The champion free PDF reader
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

PDF (Portable Document Format) is 1 of nan astir commonly utilized record formats for documents owed to its expertise to sphere text, images, and layout crossed different devices and operating systems.

The expertise to people immoderate archive straight from a PDF tin beryllium beneficial considering that galore documents for illustration invoices, reports, world papers aliases forms travel successful this format.

This guideline will locomotion you done simple, effective methods to people from PDF, ensuring that you tin get your documents connected insubstantial pinch ease.

How to people from PDF

Tools & requirements

  • A computer, smartphone, aliases tablet pinch PDF viewing software installed (such arsenic Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google Chrome, aliases Apple’s Preview)
  • One of nan best location printers (Wi-Fi-enabled aliases connected via USB)
  • A PDF archive that you request to print
  • Internet relationship (if printing wirelessly aliases utilizing cloud-based services)

1. Print a PDF Using Adobe Acrobat scholar aliases akin software

Adobe Acrobat Reader is 1 of nan astir celebrated PDF viewers and editors available. Here’s really you tin people from it, but these steps will beryllium akin for different PDF viewing package for illustration Preview connected Mac aliases Foxit Reader.


  1. Open nan PDF document successful Adobe Acrobat Reader aliases your preferred PDF reader.
  2. Click connected nan "File" menu successful nan top-left area of nan screen.
  3. Select "Print" from nan dropdown menu, aliases usage nan shortcut Ctrl + P (Windows) aliases Cmd + P (Mac).
  4. A people speech container will appear. Here, you tin adjust nan people settings specified arsenic nan number of copies, insubstantial size, orientation, and page range.
  5. Select your printer from nan database of disposable printers.
  6. Once each settings are successful order, click "Print" to commencement nan process.

If your archive contains aggregate pages, guarantee you prime nan correct scope of pages you request aliases opt for "Print All" if you want nan full document.

2. Print from a web browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc.)

Most modern web browsers travel equipped pinch built-in PDF viewers, allowing you to unfastened and people PDF files straight without needing third-party software.


  1. Open your PDF file by dragging it into a browser window, aliases by right-clicking connected nan record and selecting "Open with" and past choosing your browser.
  2. Once nan PDF is open, look for nan people icon connected nan browser toolbar (typically a mini printer icon connected nan apical correct of nan screen).
  3. Click nan people icon aliases property Ctrl + P (Windows) aliases Cmd + P (Mac) to unfastened nan people speech box.
  4. Adjust nan settings for illustration nan number of pages, orientation, aliases insubstantial size.
  5. Select your printer from nan list.
  6. Click "Print" to commencement printing your PDF.

When printing from a browser, beryllium judge to double-check that nan archive looks correct successful nan people preview, arsenic web browsers sometimes set formatting slightly.

3. Print straight from your smartphone aliases tablet

If you're moving connected your smartphone aliases tablet, printing straight from a PDF is convenient. Since astir modern mobile phones support wireless printing done apps aliases built-in systems for illustration AirPrint (Apple) aliases Google Cloud Print (Android), printing straight from a mobile telephone is hassle-free.

Steps (for iOS pinch AirPrint):

  1. Open nan PDF successful nan "Files" app aliases a PDF spectator specified arsenic Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  2. Tap nan stock icon (usually a container pinch an arrow pointing upward).
  3. Scroll done nan options and tap "Print."
  4. Select your AirPrint-enabled printer from nan list.
  5. Adjust people settings for illustration nan number of copies aliases page range.
  6. Tap "Print" to nonstop nan PDF to your printer.

Steps (for Android utilizing Google Cloud people aliases akin service):

  1. Open nan PDF archive successful a PDF scholar aliases "Files" app.
  2. Tap connected nan three-dot menu successful nan top-right area and select "Print."
  3. Choose your printer from nan database of disposable options (Google Cloud Print aliases different connected printer).
  4. Adjust nan people settings if needed, for illustration insubstantial size aliases colour preferences.
  5. Tap "Print" to commencement nan process.

Make judge your printer and smartphone/tablet are connected to nan aforesaid Wi-Fi web for wireless printing to work.

4. Save nan PDF successful Cloud retention and people from immoderate device

Cloud storage services for illustration Google Drive, Dropbox, aliases OneDrive let you to shop your PDF files online and people them from immoderate instrumentality pinch an net connection. This is peculiarly adjuvant if you're moving betwixt different devices aliases locations.

Steps (using Google Drive):

  1. Upload your PDF record to Google Drive by dragging it into your Drive files aliases by clicking "New" > "File Upload."
  2. Once nan record is uploaded, open nan PDF by double-clicking it.
  3. In nan top-right corner, click connected nan printer icon aliases prime "File" > "Print."
  4. This will unfastened nan people speech box. Select your printer and set settings for illustration predisposition and number of copies.
  5. Click "Print."

This method is highly versatile, arsenic you tin entree your files and people them from immoderate device, whether you're utilizing a computer, tablet, aliases smartphone.

5. Print a password-protected PDF

Sometimes, PDF files travel pinch password protection, which restricts you from editing aliases printing nan document. If you effort to people a password-protected PDF, nan printer mightiness not process nan record unless you participate nan password first.


  1. Open nan password-protected PDF successful Adobe Acrobat aliases different PDF reader.
  2. When prompted, enter nan password to unlock nan file.
  3. Once nan PDF is open, follow nan accustomed steps for printing (File > Print).
  4. If nan record has permissions that restrict printing, you will request to petition nan password from nan archive proprietor to region those restrictions.

Tips for printing from PDF

Sometimes printing from PDF tin lead to unexpected issues, specified arsenic formatting problems, missing text, aliases printer malfunctions. Here are immoderate communal troubleshooting tips:

  • Ensure that your printer’s drivers are up-to-date. Visit nan manufacturer’s website to download nan latest type of nan driver if needed.
  • If your archive doesn’t people correctly, effort adjusting nan PDF’s people settings. For instance, prime “Print arsenic Image” successful nan Adobe people speech container to debar issues related to PDF rendering.
  • If your printer isn’t responding, verify that it’s decently connected to your machine aliases Wi-Fi network. Restart some nan printer and nan instrumentality from which you are printing.
  • Sometimes nan problem lies pinch a circumstantial PDF. Try printing different archive to spot if nan rumor is isolated. If nan problem persists, see converting nan PDF to different format (like DOCX) and printing from that file.
  • If each other fails, effort printing from a different computer, smartphone, aliases tablet. This tin thief you find whether nan rumor is pinch your instrumentality aliases nan printer itself.

Tips for Efficient Printing

  • For analyzable PDFs for illustration those pinch images aliases elaborate charts, a high-quality printer ensures amended people results.
  • If you’re printing elemental matter documents, take “Draft” aliases “Low-Quality” mode to prevention ink and people faster. For master documents, opt for “Best” quality.
  • Always usage nan people preview action to drawback immoderate formatting errors aliases missing elements earlier sending your archive to nan printer.

Efosa has been penning astir exertion for complete 7 years, initially driven by curiosity but now fueled by a beardown passion for nan field. He holds some a Master's and a PhD successful sciences, which provided him pinch a coagulated instauration successful analytical thinking. Efosa developed a keen liking successful exertion policy, specifically exploring nan intersection of privacy, security, and politics. His investigation delves into really technological advancements power regulatory frameworks and societal norms, peculiarly concerning information protection and cybersecurity. Upon joining TechRadar Pro, successful summation to privateness and exertion policy, he is besides focused connected B2B information products.

Source Technology