Discord Keeps Restarting? 10 Best Ways to Fix it!

Trending 3 months ago

Discord is simply a elemental chat app akin to Skype and Slack, but it’s geared toward video gaming. It serves arsenic a level for gamers to connect, coordinate, play, and sound talk while gaming.

As of now, Discord supports each sorts of connection options you tin deliberation of, specified arsenic sound chat, video calls, and matter messaging. Discord is free; you request an progressive Discord relationship to start.

We are discussing Discord because galore users person precocious messaged america asking really to hole nan ‘Discord keeps restarting’ problem. If you’re a gamer and usage Discord to link pinch your friends, nan app restarting itself tin beryllium very disruptive.

Why Does Discord Keep Restarting?

There could beryllium respective reasons for nan Discord desktop connected your machine to restart aliases crash. It whitethorn beryllium linked pinch nan software, but outdated drivers, corrupted Discord installation files, incompatibility issues, etc.

Since nan Discord desktop app doesn’t show you nan logic for nan restart aliases crash, you request to usage wide troubleshooting methods to hole nan problem.

Discord restarting randomly? 8 Best Ways to Fix it!

There are rather a fewer things you tin do to hole Discord keeps restarting problem connected a PC. Below, we person shared immoderate effective solutions to Discord keeps restarting problem. Let’s get started.

1. Force Quit Discord and Re-Open

Well, 1 of nan first things you should do if Discord keeps restarting is to unit discontinue nan app from nan Task Manager and unfastened it again. Here’s really you tin unit discontinue nan Discord app and re-open it.

1. Type successful Task Manager connected nan Windows Search. Next, unfastened nan Task Manager app from nan database of best-match results.

Task Manager

2. When nan Task Manager opens, find Discord.

3. Right-click connected nan Discord and prime End Task.

End Task

4. Once unit closed, hunt for Discord connected nan Windows Search. Next, right-click connected Discord and prime Run arsenic administrator.

Run arsenic administrator

After nan unit quit, proceed utilizing nan Discord app; it won’t restart.

2. Restart your computer

Restart your computer

If nan Discord app keeps restarting connected Windows, you must restart your computer. Restarting nan machine will perchance destruct bugs that whitethorn beryllium preventing Discord from moving properly.

Since it’s difficult to find processes that hamper nan functionality of nan moving apps, restarting nan machine sounds easy, and it gets nan occupation done.

Several Discord users connected nan Microsoft forum person claimed to hole Discord keeps restarting problem conscionable by restarting their computer. So, click connected nan Start Menu and prime nan Power Button. On nan Power options, prime Restart. This will restart your computer.

3. Update Your Discord App

Check for updates

Updating nan apps is simply a bully information practice; you tin usage nan caller features. Discord is 1 specified app that receives predominant updates.

If you don’t regularly usage nan Discord app, it is apt outdated and will person incompatibility issues.

An outdated Discord app tin restart itself, which tin beryllium disruptive, particularly if you are conversing.

You tin effort updating nan Discord app to spot if nan problem is resolved. To do so, right-click nan Discord icon connected nan strategy tray and prime Check for updates. This will automatically update your Discord desktop app.

4. Disable nan Discord Beta Features

Another point you tin do if Discord randomly restarts is to disable each beta features. To do this, motorboat nan Discord app and unfastened Settings.

In Discord Settings, you will person to find and disable each characteristic branded arsenic Beta. Once you disable nan experimental features, restart nan Discord app and cheque if it still restarts.

5. Disable Custom Keybinds

Custom Keybinds, particularly if they are incorrectly configured tin beryllium nan sole logic for Discord app crashing. If you’ve group up Custom Keybinds, it’s champion to disable it and check.

1. Launch nan Discord app.

2. Next, move to nan Settings.


3. On nan near sidebar, click Keybinds.


4. On nan correct side, disable nan toggle beside Keybinds.


6. Clear nan Discord Cache

An outdated Discord cache tin create network-related problems; sometimes, it tin moreover unit a restart nan exertion aliases clang your Windows device.

So, if Discord keeps restarting itself for nary reason, you tin effort clearing nan Discord app cache to resoluteness nan issue. Here’s really to do it.

1. Press nan Windows Key + R fastener to unfastened nan RUN dialog box.

RUN dialog box

2. On nan RUN dialog box, participate %appdata% and property Enter.


3. Next, find and double-click connected nan Discord folder.


4. On nan Discord folder, find nan Cache. Open nan Cache folder.


5. Now property nan CTRL + A fastener to prime each files. Once selected, delete each those files.


After deleting nan Discord app cache, restart your Windows PC and motorboat nan Discord app again. This time, nan app won’t restart aliases crash.

7. Make Sure Your Hard Drive Has Enough Space

It’s very important for a personification to understand that Discord desktop customer perpetually downloads & caches caller files connected your difficult drive. This is an automated process that runs silently successful nan background.

So, if your difficult thrust doesn’t person capable space, you will look issues for illustration Discord Restarting during streaming, crashing erstwhile photos are received, etc.

All specified issues tin beryllium easy fixed by cleaning up nan retention abstraction of your computer. You tin region nan junk files stored connected your machine aliases uninstall apps you ne'er use.

You tin besides tally Storage Sense to cleanable up difficult disk abstraction connected Windows. After cleaning nan due magnitude of retention space, usage Discord.

8. Enable Legacy Mode connected Discord

Discord Legacy Audio is an audio subsystem that delivers high-quality sound output successful real-time. However, nan subsystem requires modern hardware, which whitethorn beryllium missing connected your computer.

You whitethorn acquisition audio problems, aliases Discord keeps restarting issues owed to nan modern audio subsystem of Discord. You tin forestall this by switching to Legacy Audio Subsystem connected Discord. Here’s what you request to do.

1. Open nan Discord app and click the Settings cogwheel icon astatine nan bottom.

Settings gear

2. Next, move to nan Voice & Video tab successful Discord Settings.

Voice & Video

3. On nan correct side, click connected nan Audio Subsystem drop-down and prime ‘Legacy


4. On nan Change Audio Subsystem prompt, click nan Okay button.


9. Disable Hardware Acceleration connected Discord

If you don’t know, Hardware acceleration is simply a characteristic that forces nan app to usage your GPU for amended video encoding and decoding.

Hardware acceleration is known for triggering various errors, particularly if your PC doesn’t person a dedicated GPU. So, it’s champion to disable nan hardware acceleration connected Discord to resoluteness nan app crashing problem.

1. Open nan Discord app and click the Settings gear icon.

Settings gear

2. On nan Settings page, scroll down and click connected Voice & Video.

Voice & Video

3. On nan correct side, scroll down and turn off nan Hardware Acceleration feature.

Hardware Acceleration

Now restart your Discord app to use nan changes. If hardware acceleration were nan culprit, nan Discord app wouldn’t restart again.

10. Reinstall nan Discord App

Reinstall nan Discord App

If thing has worked to resoluteness Discord support restarting issue, nan last remaining action is to reinstall nan Discord App.

Reinstalling will region nan existing Discord installation from your instrumentality and instal a caller copy. This intends you will person nan up-to-date Discord type and caller files.

If nan Discord app crashing aliases restarts owed to a corrupted installation file, it will beryllium fixed. To reinstall Discord, unfastened Control Panel, right-click connected Discord, and prime ‘Uninstall’.

Once uninstalled, you request to caput to nan official site of Discord and download & instal nan desktop app.

Also read: How to Fix ‘Discord Installation has Failed’ Error

These are nan moving methods to hole Discord keeps restarting problem connected nan PC. If you request much thief resolving Discord keeps restarting aliases nan Discord app crashing connected Windows, fto america cognize successful nan comments. Also, if nan article helped you, stock it pinch your friends.

Source Tech Viral
Tech Viral