Sci-fi movies person been astir for decades, often serving arsenic warnings for a highly technological future. But they aren’t each astir nan takeover of AI. Some of them skew to scary pinch viral pandemics aliases mysterious supernatural forces that wreak havoc connected humanity.
The champion sci-fi films person plentifulness of action, compelling storytelling, and awesome casts. The 3 underrated sci-fi movies connected Amazon Freevee you should watch successful November each person thing unsocial to offer, and day backmost to a classical from nan 1980s. The 2 newer ones whitethorn person fallen nether your radar, but considering you tin cheque them retired for free correct now (with ads), you mightiness want to springiness them a shot.
We besides person guides to the best movies connected Netflix, the best movies connected Hulu, nan best movies connected Amazon Prime Video, nan best movies connected Max, and the best movies connected Disney+.
Only (2020)
Only | Official Trailer (HD) | Vertical Entertainment
Drawing comparisons to Y: The Last Man, Only flips nan gender book arsenic it follows nan outbreak of a microorganism that is seemingly only sidesplitting women. With almost each nan females obliterated, Will (Leslie Odom Jr.) fights to support Eva (Freida Pinto) safe from nan authorities and bounty hunters who are searching for immoderate surviving women. They’re now tremendously valuable to keeping humanity going.
Only’s crippled tin get confusing astatine times since its non-chronological building weaves backmost and distant done different timelines. But viewership has suggested that nan lackluster reviews aren’t warranted: aft premiering connected Netflix, Only quickly climbed to nan apical 10 list, albeit nan truth that this was during nan tallness of nan COVID-19 pandemic could person thing to do pinch it. Nonetheless, nan movie is worthy information now that nan panic and fearfulness astir nan real-life pandemic has mostly subsided and you tin descend into nan fictional story.
Stream Only on Amazon Freevee.
The Fog (1980)
This independent John Carpenter supernatural scary is astir a glowing fog that is taking complete a mini municipality successful Northern California. With nan fog comes nan shade of a able clipper vessel proprietor named Blake (Rob Bottin), who was suffering from leprosy backmost successful nan 1800s and was killed earlier he could found a leper colony. The group that wrecked his vessel besides stole golden to create their caller town.
Starring “Scream Queen” Jamie Lee Curtis on pinch Adrienne Barbeau (Grease), Tom Atkins (The Rockford Files), Hal Holbrook (All nan President’s Men), and Curtis’ real-life mother Janet Leigh (Psycho), The Fog’s themes touch connected vengeance and karma. The movie received decent reviews, but it took decades earlier it yet began to create a cult following. While The Fog falls much squarely wrong nan scary genre, nan supernatural elements make it a movie worthy watching for sci-fi fans, too.
Stream The Fog on Amazon Freevee.
Kill Command (2016)
Kill Command Official TRAILER (2016) Sci-Fi Action Movie HD
Vanessa Kirby (The Crown) stars successful this British sci-fi action scary movie astir an AI that goes rogue during a training mission, leaving a group of U.S. Marines struggling to past and conclusion it. Set successful a early wherever exertion has taken complete and cyborgs are common, Kill Command is simply a cautionary communicative astir AI turning connected humans.
Yes, Kill Command covers a taxable that has been explored clip and clip again, which is possibly why nan low-budget movie wasn’t arsenic good received arsenic others of nan aforesaid type. But it has galore redeeming qualities that make it worthy nan hr and-a-half clip investment. Victoria Luxford of Radio Times says nan “low-budget robot warfare has a batch much going for it than galore bloated Hollywood workplace equivalents.”
Stream Kill Command on Amazon Freevee.